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Reel: "Bondi Rescue... acquired all the rights... for YouTube": Fred Petitpont on content repurposing
"Bondi Rescue... acquired all the rights... for YouTube": Fred Petitpont on content repurposing #ContentRepurposing #SocialMediaTrends #BondiRescue #YouTubeSuccess #TVtoSocialMedia
Reel: "You can literally start a war with some hallucinations": Fred Petitpont on AI risks
"You can literally start a war with some hallucinations": Fred Petitpont on AI risks #AIRisks #MachineLearning #AIQuality #LLMs #AIHallucinations
Key Moment: Fred Petitpont: 'Open transparency of the costs with the developers' to fight AWS bill spikes
Fred Petitpont: 'Share the cost, and by themselves, they will work to improve it' on AWS
Summary: 'We reached some 0.42 days of content analysis in a single day': Fred Petitpont on AI video processing
'It takes as much energy to develop a system that will explain the decision': Petitpont on AI quality
Key Moment: "Bondi Rescue... acquired all the rights... for YouTube": Fred Petitpont on content repurposing
"Bondi Rescue... now up to 1 billion views": Fred Petitpont on social media content success
Key Moment: "We use our MXT technology": Fred Petitpont on analyzing 200,000 hours of video daily
"We use our MXT technology": Petitpont on scaling video analysis from 40 to 200,000 hours daily