Plotting the Effects of Disruption: Charting the new media ecosystem
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Plotting the Effects of Disruption: Charting the new media ecosystem
IBC2023: Where are the audiences? Where is the opportunity? And where is the money going? If you want a global view of the media market, and predictions which are bold, insightful and thought provoking, this is a must-attend session.
Micorsoft at IBC2022 in Amsterdam SM
Micorsoft at IBC2022 in Amsterdam
SCTE hosts session examining the last metre to the home at IBC2022 SM
SCTE hosts session examining the last metre to the home at IBC2022
The John Logie Baird lecture: the state of audio technology and the next 5 years
Accelerator - Cloud localization blueprint
Accelerator - Cloud based live events, analytics and low latency protocols