Panel: Cloud applications in media & entertainment: what’s next?
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Panel: Cloud applications in media & entertainment: what’s next?
Cloud solutions have become increasingly popular in every part of the broadcast workflow giving content creators and broadcasters simpler and more affordable ways to create and distribute video content, while enabling scalability and the ability...
From SVOD to multi-dimensional business models
HOMA: Smart home and home security solution
Demo: AI Hunters: Target - an era of M&E robotization with Cognitive Mill
Demo: Server side ad insertion for live events
The John Logie Baird Lecture: The state of video technology and the next 5 years
New opportunities and new audiences on DAB+
Introducing Wolvic - a new browser which picks-up where Firefox Reality leaves off
New opportunities for OTT video streaming
Automated mass VOD transcoding demo with added value (VOD transcoding case study)