Demo: Android TV management: Key features and benefits
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Demo: Android TV management: Key features and benefits
Android TV is making notable inroads among TELCO operators worldwide: it’s currently the operating system of choice for more than 160 TELCO operators. In 2011, nearly 88% of all US households subscribed to a pay-TV service. Ten years later, that...
Transitioning to TV as an App
We are remote production: Direkt link & Direkt router
Rumo, SaaS recommender system for Creative Industries
The Bitmovin Stream Lab - Quality Testing for Streaming Success
How Simplestream's OVP-agnostic solution powers feature rich OTT services
Remote AI & Scalable Production: A Look at The Future of Sports Broadcasting
Personalised Multiview User experience – On-The Go, At Home and In-Stadia
A Cookbook for sending Broadcast Media over the Internet