How Al Jazeera is shifting the paradigm of news delivery
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How Al Jazeera is shifting the paradigm of news delivery
IBC2022: Back in 1996 Al Jazeera, the Arabic-language satellite channel, launched its first news broadcast from Doha. The 1996 launch was considered revolutionary and marked the beginning of a new era of TV News in the Middle East. Al Jazeera is...
Micorsoft at IBC2022 in Amsterdam SM
Micorsoft at IBC2022 in Amsterdam
SCTE hosts session examining the last metre to the home at IBC2022 SM
SCTE hosts session examining the last metre to the home at IBC2022
The John Logie Baird lecture: the state of audio technology and the next 5 years
Accelerator - Cloud localization blueprint
Accelerator - Cloud based live events, analytics and low latency protocols