IBC SHOWCASE: Es’hailSat, Qatar Satellite Company, own and operate satellites to serve broadcasters, telecos, enterprises and governments in the MENA region.
MS Video 2_1
User experience - France 24 David Couret - How does F24 make content easy to find
In car ent - France 24 David Couret - How much of an opportunity for broadcasters is in car ent
Codec - Paolo Pescatore - Who will win the codec battle
News workflow - Adde Granberg SVT - What is biggest problem trying to solve SVT
Cloud - Adde Granberg SVT - Where does cloud fit into SVT production processes
Hardware v software - Red Bee Dave Travis - What is top of to do list
5G - Paolo Pescatore - To what extent media embraced 5G
Lorenzo Zanni IABM Is AI now more than just a buzzword
Lorenzo Zanni IABM What was the main talking point at NAB 2019