IBC2018 Panel Interview: Madeleine Noland, Stephan Heimbecher and Joerg Sander
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IBC2018 Panel Interview: Madeleine Noland, Stephan Heimbecher and Joerg Sander
Madeleine Noland (Chair, Ultra HD Forum Guidelines Work Group, LG Electronics), Stephan Heimbecher (Director Innovations & Standards, Technology, Sky) and Joerg Sander (Director of Host Broadcast Operations, HBS).
Interview with Olivier Bovis, Head of Media Solutions, Sony Professionals
Interview with Tony Emerson, Worldwide MD, Media & Cable, Microsoft
IBC2016 What Caught My Eye - EBU Felix Pulin
IBM Audience Insight - how AI is giving incredible insights to behaviour
Interview with Olivier Schaak, Creative Director, Canal+
In conversation with Greg Spence, producer of Game of Thrones