IBC2018 Panel Interview: Madeleine Noland, Stephan Heimbecher and Joerg Sander
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IBC2018 Panel Interview: Madeleine Noland, Stephan Heimbecher and Joerg Sander
Madeleine Noland (Chair, Ultra HD Forum Guidelines Work Group, LG Electronics), Stephan Heimbecher (Director Innovations & Standards, Technology, Sky) and Joerg Sander (Director of Host Broadcast Operations, HBS).
Chris Rose - engaging and monetising issues
Chris Rose - engaging audiences of different generations
Chris Rose - reaching audiences
Chris Rose - brand reputation
Panel - Has convergence impacted content discovery
Fabian Birgfeld - How can bots and virtual assistants enhance the viewing experience
Fabian Birgfeld - How has technology altered the audience experience
Fabian Birgfeld - How has audience engagement transformed
Fabian Birgfeld - How will the digital experience change over the next 12 months
Chris Rose - Do audiences still trust content creators